Humbled Yoga
Humbler Sounds
The Masks We Wear
A workshop for those who wish to delve internally and deal with whatever is holding you back
This 6 day program of mask work, body work and meditation is self developing and self discovering. Implementing this program encourages participants to explore their inner selves through meditation and body awareness. Reconising where the participants hold tension in thier bodies will allow us to explore the nueropeptides tensions which lead back to the mind. Exploring these emotions with journelling will allow use to employ mask making techniques to express them.
Making a mask invites you to explore the persona you reveal or conceal from the world. This intervention leads to participants to verbalize traumatic events and confront inner feelings. Masks are avenues of transformation and self discovery. They are empowering, allowing one to act out the drama of nature, spirit and desire in a controlled enviroment. To paraphrase Marshall McLuhan's famous dictum, 'We make our masks and afterwards our masks make us.'
This program can also be offered as a 5 hour workshop.
Cost: €500 including materials, 10 participants