Humbled Yoga
Humbler Sounds
Couple Harmonisation
Let’s face it, couples get out of tune. You and your partner lead busy lives. There is lots of hustle and bustle. By the time you get to sit down together for a few minutes, you’re running at different rates. You’ve got work on your mind, you’ve got food in your mouth, and you’d rather talk about your day than listen to your partner tell about their day.
You’re out of tune.
Couple Harmonisation provides a great way for you and your partner to tune to one another. It is a way of bringing your emotional state and psychological rhythms into alignment. This is a process of bringing partners into resonance. When two partners are able to come into resonance, there is less fighting, better communication and improved intimacy in the relationship. Being in resonance allows couples to be together mindfully and lovingly.
How it works:
You will be asked to sit down with your partner before the session and discuss each of your individual intentions and goals. In doing this you can then come up with a mutual intention for your relationships.
When you arrive at the session this intention will be used as the core of the tuning. You will have a 45-60 minute yoga session suited to each of your bodies needs as a couple. Sound tools, such as tuning forks, drum and tibetan bowls are sometimes used during this process. At the end of the yoga session you will lie down and allow the sound tools to nourish and relax you. They are used in a way that provides absolute support to your individual and each others intention. This process completely tunes you both to the same frequecies thus improving communication and mutual understanding in a common intention.
Examples of Intentions might be:
We intend to deepen our loving relationship by opening our hearts more to each other
We intend to lovingly support each other in our individual dreams and goals.
We intend to feel deeply and richly loved and supported by the other.
We intend to enrich ourselves and each other through more consious experiences.
We intend that the communication between us be crystal clear, both with words and beyond words.
We intend to enjoy our relationship, allowing it to unfold and deepen with elegance and ease.
We intend that we find easy compromises and meet each other’s needs while honoring our own.
We intend, no matter what the challenge or opportunities we face, to always remember the love.
We intend to create conscious, loving, interactive and supportive relationships
We intend that our relationship be filled with as much fun, joy, love, light, kindness and compassion as possible.
We intend to lift each other, however significantly or insignificantly, to greater levels of healing, loving and recognizing who we each really are.
Cost: €60