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Humbled Yoga
Humbler Sounds
Modification Support Healing
Modification Support Healing works through breathwork and healing frequencies with specific frequency tuning forks, tibetan bowls, shamanic drumming and mantra to aid Healing of any modification.
Sound healing can balance and remove stress put upon body and mind as well as enhancing the mediative effect that comes with modifications for both the modifier and client.
Tatooists, have you ever noticed that your machine will sometimes change pitch or sound when working on certain people or as you cross certain areas of the body? Have you sometimes come away from a session more tired, grumpy or feeling unwell? Frequencies might have something to do with this.
H27minutes) resulting in cavitation of tattooed cell structures incorporating tattoo ink thus freeing the ink for subsequent disposal by the body.
We use low frequencies to seal a tattoo into the body. The machine tattooing process uses a needle that is controlled by an electromagnetic coil, enabling it to oscillate at a frequency between 80 to 150Hz. The needle punctures the skin at a depth of 1-4 millimeters. Tattoos inject dye into the skin using small needles that puncture skin at a frequency of 50-3000 times per minute. The needles penetrate past the epidermis into the underlying dermis, leaving behind pigment in the entire area. The living dermis is composed of collagen fibers, nerves, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, blood vessels and basically everything that keeps skin connected to the rest of the body. Every time the needle penetrates, it causes a wound in the skin and alerts the body to begin the inflammatory process – the skin’s method to deal with danger. Cells of the immune system travel to the wound site and begin repairing the skin. These very cells are the reason tattoos are permanent. Specialized cells called macrophages virtually ‘eat’ the invading material in an effort to clean up the inflammatory mess. As these cells travel through the blood vessels, some of them are carried back, with a belly full of dye, into the lymph nodes while others remain in the dermis. Because macrophages don't have a way of dissolving and disposing of the pigment, it remains in the dermis, where they are visible through the skin. By using low frequencies , it stimulates the bodies healing process to draw the macrophages back into the skin, thus sealing the ink of the tattoo at a faster rate.
These techniques can visibly reduce the likelihood swelling and redness as they rebalance the effects of sitting under vibrating needle of tattoo work. This technique is designed from years of personal journey through modifying techniques that I have supported through yoga and sound.
The tools I use can induce or sustain altered consciousness and deep states of relaxation, this is done by frequency manipulation of endocrine system and altering of brain wave states. Using of these techniques enables the body and mind to accept it's new image thus allowing a speedier and cleaner recovery rate. During sound therapy there are common experiences that individuals receiving treatments and relaxation sessions share. These include seeing colours pulsing behind closed eyes, floaty feelings and feeling deeply relaxed, reduced anxiety and muscle tension, losing a sense of time and/or having spiritual or mystical experiences, to name a few. Some of the above effects indicate that these individuals were entering an altered state of consciousness (ASC). An ASC is a natural everyday occurrence that happens when the brainwaves go into a lower frequency across many areas of the brain, resulting in day-dreamy sensations. These ͚screen-saver͛ modes that we go into during the day enable the system to rebalance and result in chemical balance and mental refreshment
The Power of Tuning ink to specific frequency: There’s a revival of therapeutic tattooing where artists experiment with adding different substances to the ink. I have successfully tuned tattoo ink with the different frequencies including 432hz. Listening to 432Hz music resonates inside your body, releases emotional blockages, and expands consciousness. 432Hz allows you to tune into the knowledge of the universe around us in a more intuitive way. It promotes healing and wellness with-in the whole body.
Hand Tattooing:
With sticks: The rhythm of the two pieces of wood for hours could be meditative, although you have to bear the pain during the process, but it would be an esthetic and spiritual experience in your life. These methods can then be mimicked with the sound tools to support the spiritual experiences
Traditional Sak Yant (also called Sak Yan, or Yantra) tattoos are hand-etched onto the skin using ancient geometric designs mixed with Buddhist prayers.
I can guarantee that I am definitely the only one in Ireland who can offer this service and this can be advertised as a unique selling point for your event.
I can also supply yoga sessions in hatha as well as varied meditation sessions to the tattooists, crew and customers. These sessions can be tailor-made to each group or individual.
It provides a unique opportunity to explore the Ancient and Modern Spiritual aspects of Modification through movement, breath and sound combined with Intention. These can be stand alone events before, after or during the period of your event.

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